Set the maximum distance in Kilometers radius within which a driver can be assigned a ride by the system.

Set the interval for location updates on the driver App. (Time in Seconds)

Set the maximum amount of time the driver app should be inactive (without location updates) to stop receiving ride requests. (Time in Minutes)

Enable / Disable ability of riders to schedule rides ahead of time.

Enter your call-center phone number which customers can call for help from their App.

Enter preset amounts riders can tip drivers after a trip; Leave blank to disable driver tip. Separate each amount with the pipe "|" character. Example 0|5|10|20

Enter preset amounts riders can select to top-up their wallet; Leave blank to hide presets. Separate each amount with the pipe "|" character. Example 50|100|200|500

Enter default banks with their unique identification codes which drivers can select during registration to be paid to, as well as used across the platform. Group each bank name and bank code and separate with this "->" string, then separate each bank name->bank code group with the pipe "|" character. Example Bank1_name->Bank1_code|Bank2_name->Bank2_code|Bank3_name->Bank3_code

Disable or set if OTP will be requested on driver App before or after a trip.

Set payment types available to riders

Enter the hour in which night tariff starts (24Hr).

Enter the hour in which night tariff ends (24Hr).

Set the minimum time (seconds) before customer is allowed to create new booking after his last pending or onride booking.

Set the maximum number of pending bookings a customer can have.

Set the maximum time in seconds required for a driver to accept a ride once allocated.

Set how you want to activate newly registered drivers on the service

Set the default percentge commission for drivers on every succesful booking.

Set the minimum amount a driver can have in his wallet. Below this amount he ceases to receive ride requests except the wallet is topped up

Set the minimum amount of money a driver must have in his wallet to enable withdrawal.

Set the minimum amount of money a franchise must have in their wallet to enable withdrawal.